Successful people aren’t necessarily smarter than others, but good habits make them more educated, knowledgeable, and competent; successful people aren’t necessarily more talented than others, but good habits make them well-trained, skillful, and prepared; successful people aren’t necessarily more determined or hard-working than those who aren’t successful, but good… Continue Reading Develop a good conversational demeanor

Say hello first Introduce yourself to others Take risks and don’t be afraid of rejection Show your sense of humor Be open to new ideas Do your best to remember other people’s names If you forget someone’s name, then ask again Show curiosity and some interest in others tell others… Continue Reading Make strangers your friends in just 5 minutes

1, if your parents are not too poor to love the rich, and to character reasons to prevent you and someone to fall in love, do not want to prove them wrong, it is desperately trying to love him, you will find that you ate the pain far more than… Continue Reading Uncover 20 truths about women’s relationships with men

Psychological scales use norms, and without norms, evaluations based on simple absolute or relative scores are usually of questionable validity. A norm is a standardized measure for comparison, calculated from a standardized sample of test results, i.e., the mean and standard deviation of a standardized sample. It is the standard… Continue Reading What are norms in psychological scales?

148 Mental Pendulum Effect Human emotions, when influenced by external stimuli, are characterized by multiplicity and bipolarity. Each emotion has a different level, and there are opposite emotional states, such as love and hate, joy and sorrow. The law of “psychological pendulum” means that in the process of psychological activity… Continue Reading PHENOMENA IN PSYCHOLOGY(148-174)